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Admission & Registration

In order to complete the registration process, please return the completed enrollment packet along with the following: 

  1. Non-refundable registration fee of $100.00 (first child) $25.00 (each additional child), payable by cash, check or credit card

  2. Completed & Signed Application Form

  3. Copy of student’s birth certificate

  4. DH3040 School Entry Health Exam dated within 1 year of enrollment

  5. DH680 Florida Certification of Immunization (not expired)

  6. Incoming Student Assessment Fee $50.00 (New Students only)

  7. Copy of Most Recent Report Card (Grades 1-8)

  8. Copy of Recent Standardized Test Scores (Grades 1-8)

  9. For VPK Students:

  •  VPK Certificate obtained from Duval County Early Learning Coalition

  •  Signed VPK Attendance Policy

  •  Completed VPK Signature Authorization Formï‚·


Tuition & Financial Responsibilities


Tuition is charged every Monday and due by close of business Tuesday.

Tuition may be paid through the online payment portal or via auto-draft from your bank account or credit card. Tuition may be paid weekly, bi-monthly or monthly but must be paid in advance of services.

With the exception of the vacation credit provision (explained below), payment is required whether your child is in attendance or not. If your child is enrolled in the “Full Time” program, you are entitled to one week of vacation credit at 100% of tuition per school year. You are eligible for vacation credit after ninety days of enrollment. Vacation credit may only be used for days the child is not in attendance and must be requested in writing through the front office.

Communications in Changes of Financial Circumstances:

It is the desire of BCA to serve every student and family with a quality Christian education. We ask that if a parent’s financial situation changes that they please notify the school office as soon as possible before a past due balance that might force BCA to make difficult decisions regarding enrollment. BCA will do our best to work with each parent and family with regard to financial situations. Communication is key.

We ask that you give us two weeks' notice of your intention to withdraw your child.

There is no refund or reimbursement of any fee (registration, book fee, tuition, etc) for any student.



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